I would like to start a miniatures wargaming club in South Kingstown, RI. I am interested in many periods with battles or skirmishes fought on the land, in the sea, and in the air. At this time I have dark age figures I use with Saga and so am most keen on playing more of this game. I am currently building ancients armies to play To The Strongest and steampunk factions to play In Her Majesty's Name or Gaslight in 2016. I am also interested in Napoleonic fleet battles, modern guerrilla skirmishes, and non-historical miniature games such as Games Workshop's Lord of the Rings, and space battles using Starmada, Star Wars X-Wing, and Star Wars: Armada.
My plan is for the group to meet at the Kingston Free Library's Potter Hall twice a month during the week, starting around 6 PM and finishing up around 9 PM. I suggest that we commit to always having 2 regular game rules played and adding others as wanted.
If you are interested in attending a planning meeting (online or in person) please contact Andrew Gilmartin at andrew@andrewgilmartin.com or at 401-441-2062.
Update: The club now has a web site at Great Swamp Wargamers.
Update: The club is no more. I was unable to engender interest in the club either online or in-person. I think, in the end, I just did not have the wherewithal to make it happen.