Costs of helpful data flexibility.

I'm having a discussion currently with a young developer who has only ever worked in Ruby and JavaScript. I noticed that the developer had chained "symbolize_keys" to the end of a method call. In Ruby this converts a hash's keys from strings to symbols, ie { "a" => 123 } becomes { :a => 123 }. Their reason for this was to offer flexibility to the called as to how it returned the result. They thought this provided flexility and robustness. I countered that it did the exact opposite.

When a function can be given parameters and return results in multiple formats then robustness is only had when the function handles all formats equally. To do that the function needs to be tested with all formats. This can be done, but in practice, and I've seen across many organizations, it is not. Not only the function needs to be tested with the multiple formats, but the callers and the called need to be tested too. It's a combinatorial explosion of testing.

The other detriment to this flexibility is that since no function is sure of the format every function converts the data to its preferred format even if the data is already in the preferred format. This conversion adds to the function's code size and has a runtime cost (CPU and memory) on every invocation. The cost of a single use might be small, but our applications work in a world with thousands of concurrent sessions each with deep call chains, and expect microsecond responses. Those single uses add up.

My recommendation to the developer was to require one format as part of its contract and add validation that runs at least during testing. (I'd like to just tell them to use a typed language where this wouldn't even be an issue!)

I mentioned that the developer's experience is in Ruby and JavaScript. I have found that is common for such developers to not expect data to be in a specific format or type. I assume some of this comes from never being trained to always validate and convert data coming from the outside before using it inside. (Eg, directly passing around an INPUT element's value or a database's column value.)  Once inside, you can be assured of its correctness. Instead, data is passed around without any function knowing a priori that it is correct.

I am unsure if I will convince this developer to not use "symbolize_keys". I am rowing against the tide.


A long time ago I organized a study group to read the whole RI state budget. We were lucky to get Tom Sgouros to guide us through this massive document. At the time there was no online version so we got printed copies. I remember struggling to carry the weight of multiple copies of its multiple volumes as I walked to my car. One of the things we learned was that DOT has almost no debt service. How can a $981M department that is responsible for roads, bridges, etc with lots of bond money projects have only $330K of debt service? It achieves this by hiding it within the Department of Administration. Most of the DOA's $211M debt service is actually DOT's. DOT costs Rhode Islander's well over a billion dollars a year. I honestly don't know if this cost is outrageous, or if it is money well spent. But it is useful to know the scale of the effort to build and maintain the road infrastructure.

FY 2025 Budget

SSL terminating tunnel using ghostunnel

From time to time the need for a simple SSL terminating tunnel is wanted. This is used to enable the browser to use an HTTPS connection to an HTTP server. It is common to use a proxy server, but I was curious if there was something simpler. I was able to create an SSL tunnel using ghostunnel

To build it for MacOS 14.7 I needed to update the go.mod to use toolchain go1.22.7 (instead of toolchain go1.22.4).

Created the cert and key

openssl req \
  -x509 \
  -newkey rsa:4096 \
  -keyout key.pem \
  -out cert.pem \
  -sha256 \
  -days 3650 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "/C=US/ST=RI/L=Providence/O=MojoTech/OU=Labs/"

Add the client's domain name to /etc/hosts

Run the tunnel

sudo ghostunnel server \
  --listen \
  --target localhost:3000 \
  --cert cert.pem \
  --key key.pem \

Run Python's file directory serving http server

python3 -m http.server 3000

And finally, open in the browser or with curl

curl -k

I think since this is Go and executables are statically linked, you could share the ghostunnel executable and PEMs with other developers.

"His train goes to a different station" is the best description of eccentricity I have heard in a long time.

Bye little Linode VM

The website is no more. I wasn't using the little Linode VM for much of anything anymore. If I were to keep it running I really needed to move it off of the discontinued CentOS 7. I would have to transition content, old code, and figure out security. Much has changed since I last needed to do that. I was not up for that marathon again.

Sensitive side of pure evil

I am reading Lord of the Rings for the first time. Yes, reading LotR is a right of passage for geeks, but I'm really only a geek by circumstances rather than by anything deeper. (I have watched Peter Jackson's movies several times, if that helps.) I am enjoying the books, having starting with the Hobbit. But several times I have wondered how a young reader today, one not raised in bucolic Devon, responds to Tolkien's beautifully rendered landscapes? Those landscapes are integral to the book and, for me, a sustaining attraction.

I did try watching the first season of the Rings of Power, but quickly gave up. Others have well explained its many, many failures. It is now in its second season and, apparently, has very strange things to say about the sensitive side of pure evil.

Rings of Power’s orc baby: Amazon’s Lord of the Rings prequel doesn’t get it right. | Vox

Ad hoc systems for managing work

I love seeing people's systems for managing their work. Even those of fictional people. This short from The Bear on managing the restaurant's guests and their orders is great. 

To Do as a game

This might actually work!

A templating system using the file system for inheritance

Way back in the early days of the web, around 2004, I wrote a templating system that used the file system for inheritance. I think Fred Toth originally conceived of the technique. 

In the directory /A/B/C you place the template M with content

Hello [%include N%]

You then have the templating system expand /A/B/C/M. It would execute the directive [%include N%] to include the template N by looking up the directory tree, in order, /A/B/C/N, /A/B/N, and /A/N, and using the first N it found. You would place common templates (eg headers) and default content (eg company name) in the upper directories and "override" them in the lower directories. It worked really well for the mostly static sites my department was creating.

I have not seen something like this elsewhere. You can, however, achieve the same effect by manipulating your templating system's template search path per output document.

The system came to be called Trampoline and it has a Perl and a partial Java implementation. The implementations are in the Clownbike project at Source Forge. None of the templates Clownbike used made it to Source Forge, unfortunately. Those became the proprietary web sites our customers were paying for. Galley, an internal project, seems to have some.

I have no idea if any of this code still works. I am sure to be embarrassed by the code's quality! Some quiet, rainy day this winter perhaps I will try running it.

Red Indian Pipes

On a walk this weekend I saw a red Indian Peace Pipe. Neither I or my wife had ever seen one before. Apparently, they are not common, but also not rare.

Setting a Mac's default email client

I mostly love using Macs, but sometimes the conviences provided are not. I needed to change my default mail client to Microsoft Outlook. You set the default mail client within Apple's Mail app's Settings. However, you can't access Settings unless you first configure an email account! Since I don't want Mail to touch a actual real email account I ran these mail services locally using Docker:

docker run virtuasa/docker-mail-devel
This enabled me to configure Mail to use "" and the local POP server. And now I can access Mail's Settings to set the default mail client to Microsoft Outlook. I really do feel for all those users without there own System Admin.

MSCHF's “Not Wheels” and Osprey's Gaslands

I recently saw MSCHF's “Not Wheels” and it reminded me of Osprey Publishing's Gaslands, a tabletop post-apocalypse vehicle combat game. Even if you don't play the game, getting some matchbox cars, salvaging greeblies from the inside of defunct printers, superglue, and some paint is a lot of fun for the whole family (well, some members of the family).

Examples of hardiness

I walked at Tippacansett this past weekend and I was drawn to these examples of hardiness. Perhaps I was thinking, consciously or not, about still being an individual-contributor software developer at 60.

This morning I referred to my eggs as "hard coded."

Using data from external files

I am working with some code that processes CSV files. Each row corresponds to an existing record and the record is updated in response to the column values. This is not an uncommon task. The existing code implements this in an also not uncommon way by intermixing row parsing and record updating. For example, assume we are updating Foos

class Foo
  attr id, :location, :valuation
  # ...
A typical intermixing is
row = [...]
raise "unusable foo id" if row[0].blank?
foo = Foo.find(row[0].to_i)
raise "foo not found with id #{row[0]}" unless foo
raise "unusable town location" if row[1].blank?
location = Location.find_by(town: row[1])
raise "location not found with town #{row[1]}" unless location;
foo.location = location
raise "unusable valuation" unless values[2].to_i < 10_000
foo.valulation = values[2].to_i
While this initially seems like a reasonable approach it quickly breaks down as the number of columns increase, column format is non-trival, and there are column (or row) interdependencies. But the more significant problem is that the parsing and the updating can't be tested individually. This makes the test harder to write, understand, and maintain.

It is always better to first parse the raw data, validate it, and then use it. Eg

class Record
  attr :id, :town, :valuation
  attr :foo, :location

  def initialize(values)
    raise "unusable foo id" unless /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ =~ values[0]
    id = $1.to_i
    raise "unusable town location" unless /^\s*(.+)\s*$/ =~ values[1]
    location = $1
    raise "unusable valuation" unless /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ =~ values[2]
    valuation = $1.to_i

  def validate
    foo = Foo.find(id)
    raise "foo not found with id #{id}" unless foo
    location = Location.find_by(town:)
    raise "location not found with town #{town}" unless location
    raise "valuation does not match the minimum" unless valuation >= 10_000;

# read the raw data
rows = [[...], ...]

# parse and validate the data
records = do |row|
  record =

# use the data
records.each do |record| = record.location = record.valuation
This parse, validate, and use approach is approporate for all cases where you are bringing data from the outside into your application, no matter what the outside source.

ps. These small, helper classes are your friends. Prefer them over your language's hash primitive as they provide great control. Most languages have efficient syntax for creating and using them.

Short list of useful Mac utilities

I don't add a lot of customization to my Mac, but these I have found to be very useful:

Shottr for screenshots, text recognition (OCR), and QR code recognition. 

Espanso for text expansion.

Pure Paste for clipboard format removal.

Doll to show messaging apps' icon and badge in the menu bar. (I turn off all notification sounds and banners.)

cd to app Finder toolbar extension that opens the current directory in the Terminal.

The recent discussion Taking command of the Context Menu in macOS on Hacker News has good advice on configuring the Finder's context menu with the ContextMenu, Automator, and other tools.

The Paris Olympics' pictograms

I have to say that this Paris Olympics pictogram for the Giant Mollusks Eating Women in Swimsuits event is very well done... Joking aside, the design of the pictograms broke with tradition and the result is objectively useless. The illegibility of the pictograms on the printed material is a spectacular design fail. Linus Boman's critique at Paris 2024 Olympic pictograms - what happened? is great.

Remain in control of your runtime

Several years ago I wrote Remain in control of your search. When you directly provide to your users a mechanism that your application depends on for its runtime then you immediately lose control of your ability to evolve the application. The recent speaker on the Stack Overflow podcast spoke about how ScriptRunner was implemented in Groovy, and it directly provided Groovy as the user's scripting language. When the application's evolution required updating Groovy the developers incurred the burden of ensuring that all the user's Groovy scripts would continue to operate correctly as is. Scripting languages designed for embedding usually provide a sandbox mechanism for limiting access to runtime resources, but few (none?) limit the language itself. It would have been better if ScriptRunner's design used a Groovy-like language that they translated to the runtime language. Having done that they would have been free to update Groovy, incurring only the burden of ensuring the translation continued to work.

Maintenance, evolution, and technical debt are different

I was listening to a recent Stack Overflow podcast on technical debit and was getting progressively annoyed. The cause of the annoyance was that the speaker was lumping all changes that were not feature changes as technical debit. The changes he was speaking about are better characterized as either maintenance, evolution, or technical debt.

Maintenance is bug fixes. The original implementation is deficient and needs to be repaired. This work is only related to the original design and current feature set.

Evolution is change needed due to alterations in the runtime environment. This work is only related to the original design and intended runtime environment. For example, you need to update a library and that results in a need to update the original implementation.

Technical debt comes about when the original design is unable to accommodate a new need. For whatever reason, it is no longer suitable.

Too often "technical debt" is used to mask an organization's lack of timely maintenance and planned evolution. Don't do that.

Naming things once

How is x = %i[a b c] better than x = [:a, :b, :c]? I find these kinds of shortcuts available in Ruby, and exploited to the maximum in Rails (et al), a severe detriment to understanding and exploring the code. Thankfully, JetBrain's RubyMine is almost always successful handling these pointless alternative codings. Ruby & Rails: Preventing successful grep-ing since forever.

Update: This is a somewhat related discussion on Hacker News, Greppability is an underrated code metric.