I wanted a NetBeans
Git. The only Git plugin that I found that was also current is
I tried the 0.1 distribution but it did not work with NetBeans 6.7. So I built it from within NetBeans:
Clone the project...
1) At the command line "git clone git://github.com/myabc/nbgit.git"
Build the module from within Netbeans...
2) Choose File/Open Project... and pick "nbgit".
3) Choose Create NBM from the nbgit project's context menu
Install the module...
4) Choose Tools/Plugins
5) Choose Downloaded
6) Choose Add Plugins...
7) Select the plugin: Mine was at /Users/ajg/Documents/src/nbgit/build/org-nbgit.nbm
8) Restart NetBeans
You can now use the plugin to explore, for example, nbgit.
As far as I can see, there is no NetNeans UI where you can import a project from, for example, github.