[1] http://www.graphviz.org/pdf/dotguide.pdf
[2] http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/instaviz/id299022481?mt=8
UpdateFor example, I want a graph to have have three ranks: The first rank contains the nodes A, C, and E; The second contains B, D, F; And the third contains X. Without ranks the following definition
digraph rankexample {
A -> B -> X;
C -> D -> X;
E -> F -> X;
C -> X;
X -> C;
Creates this graph:
However, adding ranks (i.e. the "snap lines") to the definition
digraph rankexample {
{ rank = same; A; C; E; }
{ rank = same; B; D; F; }
{ rank = same; X; }
A -> B -> X;
C -> D -> X;
E -> F -> X;
C -> X;
X -> C;
I get the layout I was looking for: