Macroservices, a middle ground between the monolith and microservices.

There is a middle ground between the monolith and microservices and that is "macroservices." Macroservices are distinguished by having one executable and many compositions. Each composition exercises a portion of the executable's internal components. Some of the components are exercised by all compositions (eg, identity management) and other components by singular composition (eg, a specialized data store). Composition deployments communicate with each other with REST or gRPC. Orchestration for resilience and scaling is accomplished using the same tools as for microservices.

A composition is nothing more than a declaration of a set of components to activate, their interdependencies, and their configurations. Configurations are generally properties, ie name and value pairs, accessed from the environment. Much as when you build the executable and draw all the benefits of type checking, unit testing, static analysis, etc you can build the composition and draw similar correctness assurances.

A macroservice allows your small team of developers to focus on what matters to your business, ie what your customers value. The development infrastructure is simple. The deployment infrastructure is flexible. Troubleshooting is comprehensible.

Written in response to Microservices are for companies with 500+ engineers.

Update: Perhaps a better name is "polyservices".

Update: I am reading abandoned Sam Newman's new book Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith. My macroservice is more akin to his distributed monolith except that the services contained within do have stronger data independence than is typical of a monolith.