I don't like Git and this posting is not going to change anyone's mind about Git and I will continue to use Git as it has become the one version control system to rule them all.
Git does not work the way I want a version control tool to work and especially in a busy development shop. I work on multiple branches concurrently. Does anyone have serialized bug and feature work? I don't need the whole version control tree available all the time. I only need the trunk and the branches I am working on and I need them to be available simultaneously. Git's stash, which allows pausing development on one branch to work on another, is useless to me. Using it breaks my work flow and destabilizes my mental model of my file system. That is, when I am in ~/src/foo/branches/issue1/
I know everything below is work being done on issue1, and when I am in ~/src/foo/branches/feature2/
I know everything below is work being done on feature2. There is never any confusion as to what I am looking at. With Git, however, I need to frequently confirm that ~/src/foo/
is currently checked-out for issue1 or feature2. (Cloning to specific issue1 and feature2 directories is not a solution. See following.)
The other issue with Git is with centralized repos. Git's development model assumes many developers, each with their own full copy of the repo, and exchanging updates via patches. I understand this model and see its value. Introducing a centralized repo into this model adds complexity and collateral problems. It is not that the problems are unique to Git, but that a centralized Git repo intensives them. For example, developers A and B work on the same branch and each performs one or more checkins and some number of pushes to the origin (ie, the centralized repo). Since we have 3 repos in play -- A's repo, Bs repo, and the centralized repo -- the chances of a conflict after checkin are very high. Compare this with Subversion where there is only one repo. A and B can work as much as they like and will be stopped to resolve conflicts at checkin and not afterwards. I argue that resolving conflicts at checkin is a far better time to do this work as one's mind is in "differences" mode. When using Git I find myself performing a checkin immediately followed by a push so as to avoid this mess. Doing so loses a key feature of Git, ie distributed version control that works offline.
Update: When I wrote the following I was not aware of interactive rebase. An interactive rebase is used to reorder and combine commits so as to provide a list of changes where each change is functionally complete and the list is in a logical order. The video Interactive git rebase for code reviews and profit is a useful guide to doing that.
I hate Git's rebasing. File A is branched from master. A is changed N times on the branch and a few times on the master. Rebasing A is the equivalent of branching A from the current master and automatically applying the N changes. Doing this ruins the version history and reviewing the version history is the first step in fixing regressions. Other version history fraud comes from deleting branches and so loosing detail about who and when a change was introduced to the branch which are details that are often critical to recontextualizing the "fix". Git can be used without recourse to rebasing and deleting branches, but it seems to be common practice.
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