function f() { for e in "$@" do echo $e done } A=( x y z ) f a b "${A[@]}" 'c d' "e f"will output
a b x y z c d e fwhen I expected it to output
a b x y z c d e fGoogle and both failed me, as did trying lots of variations.
function f() { for e in "$@" do echo $e done } A=( x y z ) f a b "${A[@]}" 'c d' "e f"will output
a b x y z c d e fwhen I expected it to output
a b x y z c d e fGoogle and both failed me, as did trying lots of variations.
If you are not following my South Kingstown School Committee candidate Facebook page, but are interested in South Kingstown School Committee's happenings then you might be interested in my observations on the School Committee's retreat this past Friday, July 15: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
This posting is mostly to remind myself how to eliminate page breaks from Emerald Data Solutions's BoardDocs. BoardDocs is used by lots of organizations that want control over their governance documents. The South Kingstown School Committee just started using it. Its configuration is such that when the detailed agenda is printed there will be a page break after each agenda item. I don't want this -- either on paper or PDF. To fix this I installed Stylebot and added the following style for BoardDoc URLs to turn off forced page breaks
* { break-after: auto; }
This seems to work. My preference would be for a less heavy handed solution, however.